Nostalgic pre-owned goodies for sale, appreciation and sharing

Nostalgic pre-owned goodies for sale, appreciation and sharing

Sunday, 30 December 2012

**SOLD**: Nokia 5110


A blast from the past! This is the Nokia 5110, from a long, long time ago...more than 10 years old. Bought with M1 plan back in '98 or '99, when handphones were awfully bulky, but built to last.

Comes as a complete box set with the following extras: 2 housings and 1 rubber keypad. Aside from fine hairline scratches on the back of the batt and screen, and slightly faded red paint on the switch button, the handphone is in pristine condition and a functional collectors' item. I am not sure how long the batt lasts, but it is definitely chargeable - it took about 3h to charge from 1 bar to full when I tested it.

Screen clarity is good and all buttons are tactile and responsive. Now you can try to beat your own highscore at Snake again with it, in old school style.

Interested? For questions and purchasing: check here

Internal: 8/10 
External: 8.5/10


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